Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Have I Told You Lately... much I appreciate the twelve or so of you who check up here regularly. I do. I appreciate you all immensely. Or else I wouldn't post the very little that I do.

Speaking of, I am fighting my laziest of urges to knit rockets without writing down the pattern and have actually knit and writ about one sort 0f...bright...rocket. I'm still working out the legs, but I will offer it as a free tester's pattern. The sort that you can freely write and complain about. Lord knows, I need the input. Coming soon...please hang in there. I hope to have it early November. If I don't, complain...loudly! I respond to disappointment, I swear.

Hung Out


Monday, October 01, 2007

What I'd like to be doing...

Sleeping, drawing, being little.