Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Presto Change-o

Never have I thought of my laundry room as the happiest room of the house, but I certainly do now. For three years, I've been laundering all of our duds and linens in the funkiest of funky 1960's outdoor laundry room, exposed to every seasonal element replete with putty colored walls, lightly dappled with little dots of mold from the humidity of it all. Hardly a motivating factor for slogging through load after load of icky sticky kids' clothes week after week. To round out the displeasure of the whole laundering experience, the path from the upper floor of the house to this lurvly outdoor home laundromat could easily have been depicted by a number of Family Circle cartoons, input the mother experiencing laundry basket blindness, nearly missing the bottom step of the staircase, balancing 10 lbs. of funky school clothes with one arm whilst unlocking, opening, and closing the first of two separate doorways, all the while shooing the cats away, backing through the screen door and trying to avoid a poorly placed skateboard. After three years, I'm still guilty of cursing the contractor who thought adding an interior doorway to the laundry was some sort of luxury. It's so at the top of my things to do, you don't even know.

Anyway, fed up with dread, I took action and advantage of hubby/babysitter/carpentry man. Emptied out the room d'loathe and deshelved the place. I got a little carried away in fact. Didn't take long to paint the ceiling, walls and trim, so I decided to paint the old shelving while carpenter man installed my clean, crisp looking counter for me. Joy! Re-shelved the joint and took to making curtains. Really girly curtains with little blue polka-dots and orchid appliqués and over-the-top floral prints. Joy!

Last but not least, of all my treasures that I love the most, my rag-tag collection of catholic reliquaries are by far my favorite. But, they are a bit too Gothic for the inside of my home so they've been stashed in the laundry room "temporarily" since we moved here....three years ago. So, we figured we'd just give them a home out there where I can love them still and it won't freak anybody else out. They now reside front and center of the laundry room and I couldn't be happier.



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