Monday, December 12, 2005

Fuzzy Pink Escapism

Escapism* from the burden of holiday shopping and a denial that Christmas is a mere two weeks away in the form of a beautiful lace scarf. Instead of shopping for the impending day of gift giving , for which I have not purchased so much as a stocking stuffer or token teacher's gift, I have begun knitting this scarf which is well beyond my skill level** and requires an intense amount of concentration on my part. But the most unforgivable truth of all.....I'm knitting it for me. Yes, I do feel an inkling of shame at my selfish display and I'll be sure to flog myself with the fuzzy, pink scarf when it's done. By then it'll be time to wrap.

*Mom, once again, thanks for the exact perfect word.
**I only began my self-taught ventures in knitting/crocheting in September and have most recently learned to breathe between stitches.



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